Operational Guide Services

Sometimes you need an advisor to step into the organization, assess through their expert lens, make recommendations to get things firing on all pistons, and walk with you as you implement “next steps”. The engagement can be for the whole organization or for a specific team, division, or other part of the organization.

Most people get into non-profit work because they want to do work that changes someone’s life, not because they love budgets, boards, and staff meetings. And yet, as an organization grows all of these operational components become the critical foundation for all of the good work, and our effectiveness at these things quickly becomes the limiting factor for how much good work we get to do.

It is no surprise that the top things holding back most organizations are in the operational category. Talent Management and Culture Formation. Financial Management and Reporting. Operational Systems. Team Performance and Communication. The list goes on and on.

With the Operational Guide Service, I will come alongside you and your team, observe your meetings and organizational systems, meet up with key stakeholders to gather input that they may not tell you, and create a full menu of recommendations of ways you can enhance your organization's operational functions.

Built into these engagements is a 3-month run of weekly coaching sessions to guide you through the initial stages of implementation which is crucial. If longer-term coaching and advising would be helpful we can pivot to that to keep the change and growth flowing.

Having done this for 30 years across so many lanes of our sector, there are few challenges that I haven’t faced. I can not only point out the trouble spots for you but guide you through them faster and with less expense and stress than it will take you on your own.