Philanthropic Advising Services

John D Rockefeller, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have all said that giving away money well was much harder than making it. If you are making significant annual charitable investments, and are wondering if your strategy is as effective as it could be, we’d be happy to provide an assessment of your current giving with ways to improve. 

If you are using the “spray and pray” approach - giving a little bit to everyone who asks, and hoping that something good comes of it, you are making a donation, but are you sure you are making a difference?

You lean on an attorney for legal advice, your financial advisor when it comes to investments, and turn to your CPA for tax guidance, but who do you turn to for charitable advice? When other areas of our lives become specialized and complex, we turn to specialists to guide the way. If your annual giving portfolio is over six figures, and you have a desire to ensure that your giving be structured and guided to make the greatest impact, you may want to consider a philanthropic advisor to help you.

What does that look like? We get to know your goals and objectives, maybe even help you refine your giving targets, and talk about if you want your family to be involved in your giving plans. We match your interests with organizations that we evaluate for you, just like a financial advisor would vet any investments before you invest.

We then work with the organizations you have selected to maximize your giving and share meaningful reports on the impact while helping them stay focused on their mission work. Your giving should be low maintenance, high impact, and fill you with joy. If that sounds good to you, let’s set up a time to talk about how we can help your giving do the most good in the world.