Become Great at Doing Good.

Non-profits exist to make the world better. Flannel Solutions exists to make non-profits better. We understand the challenges facing the non-profit sector because we have been in it with you for over 30 years. We understand how to remove the hurdles that are tripping up your leadership and organization:

  • The feeling of being overwhelmed with the chaos of running a non-profit.

  • The disappointment with your board structure draining energy instead of creating synergy.

  • The anxiety around attracting, keeping, and inspiring a high-performing team.

  • The exhaustion of funding models that won’t scale, leaving you feeling like a hamster on a wheel.

  • The worry of programs lacking deep impact because they are treating symptoms instead of tackling root issues.

  • The apprehension over strategies that fail to inspire or convert to action and results.

We see you.

Flannel Solutions can help you retool your organization by creating sustainable funding growth, attract and retain top talent by developing a healthy culture, smooth out operational and financial systems that increase donor confidence, and rethink programs to create and measure meaningful impact. We’re ready to put our work shirt on for you.

How We Work

We limit our client count intentionally to ensure we have the bandwidth to get to know each one and provide incredible results. We are much more invested in you than simply being your consultant.


Our clients are big thinkers. So are we. Our team brings fresh thinking, models and strategies based on research and experience to help you generate the solutions of the future.


Our daily uniform is a flannel shirt which represents our work ethic and willingness to do the hard things that produce results. We’ll always put our flannel work shirt on for you. Unless you request us to wear something nicer (because we are also flexible).


What We Can Do Together

Board Development

Empower your board with tools to clarify roles and build engagement.

Advising and Coaching

One-on-one sessions to guide you through hurdles and lead you through a leadership development plan custom-tailored for you.

Fractional Leadership

Provide interim leadership in areas you need an ally, innovator, or culture creator.

Training and Workshops

Facilitate learning and offer best practices and tools you can use every day to get people, teams, and projects unstuck.

Philanthropic Advising

Assist Foundations, Impact Investors, High Net Worth Donors and Family Offices work as true partners, investing for sustainable, high-impact social change

Planning and Assessment

We’ll guide your strategy creation, pointing out blind spots while turning long term goals into weekly objectives you can manage, measure, and achieve.

Operational Guide Service

Let our 30 years of creating amazing organizations create a smooth-running machine for you, replacing chaos with efficiency by maximizing what is working and fixing what is broken.

Who We Have Been Working With

What People Are Saying

del in the field with partners

Jeremy Vallerand, CEO, Atlas Free

“Del makes a lasting impact wherever he goes. I’ve always been amazed by his ability to leave everything he touches better than he found it.”

Rachel Karper, Director of Operations National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance

“Every time we work with Del, he is the essence of strategy and kindness as he challenges us with new growth opportunities that will help us be the best version of our organization.”

del in the field with partners

Let’s Do Something Great Together